Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Not Listening

It's always deal with customers who are so excited about getting a pet that they don't listen to a word you say.
Like it goes in one ear and straight out the other.
So it's like...a waste of breath really to try and get through to them. 

I honestly don't know why I try.

I had a family come in where one of the members was wanting a fish.

And originally they wanted to put glofish and goldfish together. Which I told them wasn't possible because of how big the goldfish got. You'd need a much larger tank to even attempt it. 

And it sounded like they had a small tank. Though I could never get a straight answer of how big their tank was. It did sound like it was under 10 gallons.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a one gallon or two gallon tank.

As they said that they had bettas before....
And the person wanting the fish was like "Yah and you killed it because you don't know how to take care of it!" 

Which....I was trying to explain just how they could take care of the fish --as the customer was wanting glofish-- so that they would be able to having a filter and a heater and a bigger tank---

but the entire family was just...on one. Like I'm pretty sure they were all just stir crazy as none of them were really paying attention and constantly interrupting or talking over or asking questions I'd already answered. 

Like it took me at least three tries to explain just why glofish and goldfish couldn't go together.
And why they shouldn't get certain glofish as some are more aggressive than others. 

And that some fish are more likely to die than others....

But of course they didn't listen....

The customers insisted on getting two glofish danios....
Which danios aren't the most hardy of fish when it comes to the glofish varieties.

And like the customer was like "I want pink and green which one should I get!?"
The family was not helpful with that question. Just stared blankly when the question was posed to them. *exhales*

I ended up just getting them the fish because I should have clocked out from my shift ten minutes earlier and these guys could dither the night away if I kept trying to convince them otherwise. *exhales*

I don't like dealing with those sort of customers.
Like...people need to be of a calmer mind when they're going to get a pet. Because impulse buying isn't the best of ideas. Especially during this time.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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