Monday, April 13, 2020

What to Say

It's difficult to know how to answer customers....

When they ask me how we're doing. How the store's doing. If we're busy. Like....

There's so many answers I could give...but at the same time we have to keep up the stupid polite customer service sort of tone with customers.

So like I really want to say "Well I think you shouldn't be here because you're risking my health and safety by just coming into the store to browse and I would rather be home where I am safe but here I am helping people like you." 


But instead it's more like "Oh things have slowed down a bit, but that's good for us as that allows us to stay safer." 

But yah.
I don't think it's the best of ideas to ask the Essential workers how they're fairing in this.

Because I'm sure most of us are stressed out and worried that we're gonna get sick because there's a huge chance that a customer could get us sick because they chose to ignore the warnings or their symptoms and didn't stay home. 

So yah. We're stressed. We'd rather you not come to the store and we'd love to be home instead of at work. 

But you know. We gotta be polite to people and not tell them that.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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