Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Had a customer today call the store asking if we had canaries in stock.

Which we do actually.
Two of them.
And I know one of them for sure is a boy because I heard him singing.
The other one? No idea. But it wouldn't surprise me if it was girl.

Though interestingly enough the customer who called didn't ask if we had any boys or girls.

As usually people have a specific gender in mind that they're looking for when they do call us. 

And more often then not the gender we have is usually the opposite of what they need.

If we have a girl everyone wants the boys.
When we finally get a boy in, everyone suddenly wants the girls. 

In any case.

The customer wanted to know if we had any in stock and how much they were.

And after being told were like " it safe to buy a bird right now?" 

Which...huh? Safe?

My thoughts automatically went to the "Well I would prefer you didn't come in and buy a bird right now because I don't like selling animals to people right now because they're all impulse buying, but if you want to buy a bird we haven't been told to not sell animals so you can come in though really you should like...stay home."

But the customer was like "Is it safe, you know, with everything going on?"

I honestly should have answered "It is safer for you to stay home currently, but if you are set on buying a bird we are still selling them."

Instead my mind jumped right to the knowledge that I know there have been people dumping their pets because they're afraid the animals can give them the virus which THEY CAN'T. You CAN'T get the virus from animals. *shakes head* 
So that was my response 'You can't get the virus from animals" 

To which the customer seemed to be relieved to hear ad they were like "Okay I'll come in to get one then!" 

*shakes head*

Note to self.
If people ask if it's 'safe' to get animals I'm going to go for the "It is safer for you to stay home." route. Because honestly, people shouldn't be leaving their homes just to buy a pet. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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