Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Not Koi

I had a customer come in looking for koi fish.
But not any koi fish.
They were specifically looking for a 50/50 orange koi.

Which I'm guessing is a koi that is 50% orange and 50% white.

I could have told the customer that we didn't have any with that particular combo of coloration.
Most of the koi we have are mostly white with spotting of various colors. 

So it's easy to see at first glance that we have nothing like the customer was describing.

But the customer was rather focused on the fish. 
More particularly....what they weren't.

Apparently the customer was convinced that some of the koi fish that we had in the koi tanks weren't actually koi. Because they didn't have the 'mouth flap' that the koi do.

*exhales* I tried to say that it was possibly breeding, or age of the fish...

But the customer was adamant that if it didn't have the 'mouth flap' it wasn't a koi fish.

And proceeded to point at basically every single koi in every single tank saying "This one has it, this one doesn't, this one has it, this one has it, this one doesn't, this one doesn't." 

Like...Dude. I have better things to do than to have to stand there listening to you mansplain to me exaclty why the fish I have aren't the fish we're supposed to have.

It's not like I can control what fish we get into the store. Nor is there a tank I can put the 'non koi' fish in and sell them as "Ooops not koi" fish. *rolls eyes* 

But the customer seemed to be quite captivated by talking. Even speaking about the koi that they already have at home and differing variations and colors and shapes and sizes and pointing to koi and being like "I have one like this but it's now this big!" 

Like...good and all....

And I'm glad that this person is so passionate about their koi fish and are wanting to get exactly what they want....

But that doesn't still mean that I get frustrated that I had to stand there, listening to you talk, only for you to not buy anything in the end. Like...sure on a normal day I wouldn't mind. But with the pandemic going really isn't a good idea to just....linger.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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