Monday, May 25, 2020

A Foot Away

So we have a button on our cricket podium that people can press if no one is standing nearby that will notify us over the radios that a customer needs help over by the fish/crickets. 

It hasn't really been used that much because it's still pretty new.

I have noticed though that people tend to choose  to press it....when I'm standing nearby...but usually I'm helping another person.

Like it's interesting.
I can see why they would press the button.
Because the only worker they see is busy.
And they're probably hoping to get help sooner by calling over a second person.

Unfortunately for them. We're on a skeleton crew.
So oftentimes only one person is available to help...and if I'm busy helping another customer...they just have to wait their turn. 

Today though was different.

Because I wasn't helping anyone.

No I was literally standing like a foot away from the cricket podium. 
As I was on the ladder scrubbing the fish tanks closest to the podium. 

My back was to it though.
As I was focused on scrubbing the tanks.

but then I hear the call over the radio. Where a customer needed help at the fish wall. 

So I look up.
And there's this girl standing right there.

Like...I'm literally only a foot away from the cricket podium.

*shakes head*
She could have just been like "umm, excuse me, could you get me some crickets?" 

No need to press the button.
I was standing right there.

But the customer was like "Oh I didn't want to disturb you." 

Well....considering I was the only person in my department. She was gonna disturb me even if I wasn't standing at right there two feet away from her. *shakes head*

Like...I'm glad she didn't want to interrupt my task. But at the same could have just asked me outright for help. 

We don't have people just standing around waiting to help customers. We're all busy with some task. So no matter what, you're interrupting us. 

In any case.
I helped the customer answer her questions about bugs and habitats for lizards as her family had caught a wild lizard and wanted to care for it. 

But yah...literally standing a foot away.
*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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