Sunday, May 31, 2020


It's always weird to be working on a Sunday.
As I rarely need to do so.
But today I was brought in to work a morning shift to help my stocking manager reset a bunch of our endcaps in the store.
Because every month we have to switch which product is placed on the shelves at the end of each aisle.
To you know...catch people's attention and promote differing products. 

It wasn't as hard as doing stocking tasks the day before.
But resetting product can be tiring in it's own right.

But rewarding too.
To walk pass a endcap and know that you did all the work to make it look pretty and such. 

Very tiring.

At least i didn't have to deal with too many customers in the meantime.
Which is gratifying.
I don't like trying to complete tasks when I keep getting interrupted by people needing things.

*exhales* It's gonna be a long week...

-Sarnic Dirchi

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