Thursday, May 21, 2020

What is Needed

Customers are a whole nother breed of human, I swear. 
They come up with the oddest requests and needs that they think are necessary for their pet(s). Especially if they don't know anything about the pet they are getting. Then they ask the oddest questions.

In this case. The customer was a guy.
Came in with I'm guessing his wife and step-daughter? As there was mention of the 'girl's father' at one point. 

And the daughter was wanting to set up a fishtank. 
Though it was unclear if the size of the tank was like a 40 gallon size or a 60 gallon tank size.

And the daughter was trying to get everything she would need to have the fish tank be a success.

But the step-dad? Was being...well...a man. One of those self aggrandizing guys who thinks they know everything but for whatever reason want to show a 'good example' to their child and so want to have the 'adult' aka me. Teach them what they need to know about things...only for the guy to completely ignore every word I said. 

The customer was like "Okay we need all the physical stuff for the fish tank. The air bubbles, the heater, etc." 

Which the air bubbles aren't necessarily needed at the very beginning of set up.
But a filter is. 

However, trying to talk to the customer was....difficult. 
Because I could tell that he wasn't listening to a word I was saying.
Well...he was listening...but only enough to then go off on his own tangent with claims of 'I know what I'm doing."
Juxtaposed by him saying "So it's been a while, but what else do we need." 
So he was parts all knowing and completely clueless. 

And like with him not knowing how big his tank was. He was trying to go cheaper. Get the stuff for the 40 gallon size rather than the 60 gallon size despite the little girl wanting to get the stuff for the bigger tank.

-He changed his tune rather quickly on how much money they were spending when he found out it was the girl's father paying for things rather than him.

But the dude was...weird.
Like I would tell him things and he wouldn't listen.
But while he wasn't listening, he tried to get the girl to listen to me.
"Listen to what she's saying it's important!"
Only when I tried to explain why things were important he would then interrupt me. *exhales* It was frustrating. 

Especially when he tried to go all new age hippie on me.
Where once I finally got them the things they needed to physically take care of the fish.
The dude wanted to help make the fish 'emotionally' happy.
Where he was wanting to know about the nitrates, phosphates and other minerals that would help the fish be...happy.
The dude was basically pulling random terms out of his brain that had nothing to do with each other (and aren't always helpful to the fish) 

But wouldn't listen to me when I was trying to tell them that the fish didn't need any special nutrients or minerals or stuff like that. (we don't even sell it) 
They get basically all they need from the water (that's been treated) and the food they eat. You don't really need to add more to it. Like trying to over care for your fish makes it more likely they'll die from the stress. *exhales*
Honestly to help them be happy you just need to give them room to swim around and to hide. Give them plants, decorations, clean water and feed them and they're good.

So yah.
And then the customer was like "We'll come in tomorrow evening to get fish."
to which I tried to explain that they will want to call first because we close our department early some days due to staff shortages.
But the dude was like "what time do you close" 
"At seven."
"great we'll come in at six!" 
No. NO. I am trying to tell you that sometimes we can't sell animals after a certain timeframe. Sometimes it's 4pm others its 5 or 6 or even as early as one. 

But I don't think I ever got the guy to comprehend that. 
He was just giving me that stupid smile of "I know you're talking but I'm not listening to a word you're saying."

Hopefully I don't have to deal with him on the morrow. *exhales* But we'll see. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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