Monday, May 18, 2020

Still Miffed

So last week? I think it was last week. Idk time goes weird. maybe it was the week before last week.
We had a shortage in crickets.
To the point where we spent a week with a sign posted over the cricket containers saying that customers couldn't buy more than 51 crickets. 

Which...when we occasionally have customers come in who want 100-200 crickets at a time....can make them rather unhappy.

Which was the case with one of my regular customers who routinely gets 150 large crickets like every week. Every other week? 
Again who knows what's going on with time.
Often enough that I see this customer constantly.

And they were not happy when they came in to get their usual 150 crickets and could only buy 51 of them that week.

It wasn't like we were purposely being difficult.
It was just what corporate wanted us to do because we knew there was a shortage coming and we weren't quite sure for how long it would last. 

Thankfully it was only like...a week and a half maybe? Before we went back to having our normal cricket shipments.

But I think this customer is still miffed at us for the last time they came into the store and only let them buy 51. 

As I heard the call over the radio that a customer needed help over by the fish/crickets.
And when I rounded the corner I saw this regular customer with their friend pressing the button for maybe the third time.

And I was like "Can I get you your 150?" because I saw that they had grabbed like three bags of the prebagged crickets and figured they wanted their 150 again. 

Which I didn't have any issues with this week because again, the shortage is over and customers can buy however many crickets they want.

But the customer was like "I have 110 here, will that ring up for the discount even if they're bagged separately?" 

"Yes?" Was my response. 

And they quickly left.

So yah....
Since the customer didn't stick around to chitchat like usual...I'm guessing they're still miffed at us for limiting the amount of crickets they could get last week.

Yah....maybe they'll be more chill next week.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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