Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prank Fish

Had a group of three come into the store wanting a hundred small goldfish.

Which it's not unheard of.
People often grab that many to feed to their turtles or to stock their ponds with.

So I was quite onboard with catching that many fish. 

But then as I was just about to bag up the first fifty.

I heard one of the three mention a bath tub.

I was like. "A bathtub? You're putting them in there?" 

To which they agreed.

And normally people only put goldfish in a bathtub for one real reason.

A Prank.

And guess what?
It's against store policy to sell fish for pranks.

So after confirming to the customers that they were indeed buying this for a prank.
I refused the sale.

They weren't happy about that.
The mother (which dear mom why were you even on board with this??) wasn't too happy about.

"What if she was to put them in a bowl afterwards?"

Like lady.
100 goldfish need more than a 'bowl' to survive.
You'd need a hundred bowls.
They'd do much better in like a 100 gallon tank.

And I know this person they were pranking probably didn't have that big of a space if they were going to put the goldfish in a bathtub.

The mom was like "Well what if we told you it wasn't for a prank?" 

"I still can't sell them to you because your first statement was that it was for a prank so I have to assume that is the correct one."

I got quite the dirty look because of that.
And the customers left without any fish.

I did direct them to a couple other pet stores they could try. 
But yah.

No prank fish for you customers. Nope nope.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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