Thursday, May 28, 2020

Not Eating

Had a customer come into the store today to return a Painted Turtle they had bought from us basically two weeks ago. 
Why? Because apparently the entire time they had the turtle...he didn't eat at all. 

Which it's not unusual for turtles to forgo eating.
But at the same time...not eating any of the food they've tried.
And apparently they were doing everything correctly. Having the right heat and such.

And the customers wanted to know what they should have done to have things turn out better.

As this experience had them returning the turtle and the kit and everything. Apparently done with the whole experience of keeping a pet.

And honestly.
I had no idea what they could have done.
Everything I suggested they said they'd tried or done.

But like...I don't know this turtle very well.
The customers literally came and bought it the same day that it came into the store.
So I had no idea how it was eating or how it was reacting or anything.

And it's hard to judge how a turtle (or any other creature is) based on what the customer tells you they did to take care of it. Because they could be misunderstanding my questions. Or lying. Or doing things to stress out the turtle....*exhales*

He seems alert and active enough.
But he didn't appear to eat today when I gave him food. 

So we'll have to play the wait and see game.....
If another customer doesn't buy him up first....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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