Friday, May 15, 2020

Just Two

I forsee us having a ton of unhappy customers today. 
At least customers wanting to buy animals today will be unhappy.

First because we had to close down my department (aka stop selling animals) at 1pm today because after 1 there would only be two people in the store. :S :S :S Like 
It's crazy.
I don't understand why we would be scheduled that way when Friday and Saturday evenings are like...the busiest evenings of the week for us.
It would be the one day where we would want to make sure that we have enough coverage in the evening to make sure that there's a cashier, a manager, and a petcare person in my department on these busy nights.

But nope.
After 1pm. My department closed down for the day. 

I feel bad for my coworkers who have to deal with that particular fallout.

But the other downside was that I told a ton of customers that we get fish in on Friday.
As normally our truck that has the fish in it shows up in the mornings or at least around lunch time. 

So most people were expecting to probably come in around 2 or 3 pm and have fish available for them to look at and purchase.
Especially the betta fish as people have been asking me multiple times a day all week if we had any. 


Today though?
Apparently our truck wasn't due to show up until FIVE pm. 
And with only TWO people working in the store.
It's gonna be a miracle to get the truck unloaded in the first place.
Let alone put all the new fish out into the tanks. 

So we may have to wait --if there were actually fish on this truck-- until tomorrow morning to put all the fish out and just leave them in their boxes overnight. Which :S :S :S I'm not sure how great of a plan that is either....I forsee a lot of fish deaths potentially.

But like.
What else can we do when the truck shows up super late and there's only two people to run the entire store.

I'm glad I'm not there. :S 
That would be soo stressful and there would probably be a lot of negative energy I wouldn't want to deal with either. 

-Sarnic Dirchia

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