Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Catching Fish

So there I was...at the fish wall trying to help multiple people at once.
There was a family looking to get some fish for their tank.
So I pointed out ones that could possibly help.
But they were still in the dithering state of trying to decide which ones they actually wanted.

And there happened to be another customer standing nearby.
Where he started out closer to the cricket podium so I figured he was just needing some crickets.
A pretty quick simple task that I could do real quick and then return to helping the customers who wanted to get fish for their little tank.


Unfortunately for me.
It wasn't a simple case of bagging crickets.
It never seems to be when I'm trying to help multiple people at once. 
No. One person just has to be needy and difficult when I'm just trying to use my time efficiently so I'm not just standing there waiting for the customer to decide what they actually want when I could be helping some other customers in the meantime. 

In any case.
This customer didn't need crickets or bugs at all.

No they were wanting to get fish for their pond.

Which is rather hard...because our feeder goldfish went through a die off. 
And we aren't expecting a replenishment shipment this week. 

And the remaining goldfish we did have...weren't all healthy. Like we had some healthy ones, but I was doing what I could to discourage people from buying them.

That didn't stop people from buying them. *exhales* 
"I need to get fish for my pond!! I need them TODAY! I can't WAIT!" *rolls eyes* 

This customer was one of those who wanted to get some goldfish for his pond.
Which I was low on stock. Probably down to under 100 throughout all the tanks. 
And the dude wanted me to fish out 30-40 goldfish. 

Which since we're low on stock.
That basically meant I needed to fish them out one at a time.
Not only that but he wanted to get 4 plecos.
And our last remaining single koi fish (as we didn't get replenished last friday with any koi)
Plus he wanted to try and add in other fish into his pond as well.
Like platys and such.

So what I thought was gonna be a two minute interaction.
Turned into like a ten minute interaction.
As I had to catch all the goldfish.
And then answer all his questions about what food the fish needed to eat.
And convince him that he couldn't put platys in a pond because they wouldn't do well, though I'm certain he's gonna try to put them in anyways once he gets a heater in his pond because he said he was gonna put a heater in his pond.

So I ended up having to call backup to the fish wall because the original family still needed to get their fish.
But it was frustrating. 
Because the coworker who came to help them....didn't really help them. Just told them that the fish they wanted wouldn't work in their little 5 gallon tank and to try these fish instead.
And walked away...I guess to let them decide again?
So a different coworker came by to help them a little bit later....I don't know what fish they ended up getting.
But that was frustrating that I wasn't able to help them.

And that it took forever to help the customer who wanted all the fish.
He ended up getting impatient with how long it was taking me to catch the goldfish. 
So forwent the koi fish and I convinced him to not get the platys and he went down to 2 plecos instead of 4. 

But yah.

It was frustration built on a days worth of frustrations because customers in general were just being difficult today. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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