Thursday, January 22, 2015

MLAARE -Baggies Afloat

There I was,
busy trying to open my department for the day,
when I happened to walk past our fish tanks.
And noticed....something clear sticking out the top.
That clear thing?
A baggy.
A baggy with fish in it. ()_()
A baggy that hadn't been there when I left the day before, and as I was the first person in the store that morning...had to have been left out overnight!
To the rescue!
Quick as a flash I opened the bag releasing the two fish in there back to their tank.
I turned away, relieved that I'd come to their rescue.
Only to see a SECOND baggy poking out of a different tank a foot away!! ()_()
Again, I raced to the rescue, releasing the two fish trapped there.

I'm glad that the fish survived!

Note to self: Inform closing people to release fish immediately!

I have no idea where these guys came from,
but I'm guessing they were fish a customer no longer wanted.
And so they brought them back.....

*shakes head*
At least they survived their overnight stay in the baggies. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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