Saturday, January 17, 2015

MLAARE -Mice Problems

Mice have to be the most....annoying creatures I deal with right now.

There just seems to be something....up with them. >.<

The current batch I just got in, have cemented it for me.
Most annoying.

I get them in and they seem to all be fine, healthy, active, all getting along...
and not even a day later, they're trying to kill each other!
I come in and half of them have wounds on their backs!
It's like they blinked and suddenly decided that they couldn't live with each other anymore.

To make it worse, one of these apparently healthy mice, ended up having more than just wounds, he had to be taken to the vet, due to a prolapsed something...

It was crazy!
Not even a day later.

And now, I have to keep the mice separated from each other. >.< Which takes up space we can't afford to take up. Which means I can't bring them all out to be sold at once, (especially not until the ones with wounds heal.)
Which means that it will take longer to sell them... *sighs*

Not my favorite pet for sure right now.
They couldn't just get along and play nice....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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