Tuesday, January 13, 2015

MLAARE -Return These?

It's not often that I see suspicious people at work.
Sure you get the crazy ones,
the smelly ones,
the funny ones,
the angry ones....

But the suspicious ones...not so much.

Yet, I got one of those ones the other day.

A woman came up to the counter wanting to return three items.
I asked if she had a receipt.
She said no.
I said that I could possibly look it up, and asked her when she bought it.
She said that she hadn't bought it, her sister had right after thanksgiving, but they had searched all over the house for the receipt and couldn't find it anywhere, and she didn't know what her sister had paid with or anything.
Meaning...even though it was in the time frame where we could look it up...we couldn't look it up because we didn't have the components needed to help us out.

(Really....why wait until JANUARY to return something you bought in NOVEMBER? Surely you could have come sooner, especially if it was items you weren't going to use.)

She asked if she could get store credit for the items.

I said I would have to double check.
Because to me....she was acting suspicious.
Three items, all shiny and brand new.
No receipt.
Wanting money/store credit for them?

It's suspicious. She looked suspicious with how she was dressed, the way she was acting.

So I called a manager over.
Explained the situation, to see if we could do the store credit.
He scanned one of the items....
and it was nearly $100
Even more suspicious!

We ended up only returning one of the three,
because the other two....were more pricey, and definitely on the "This can be stolen easily and attempted to return for money" category. One of those "You need to keep the receipt" situations because of the higher theft rate.

But yah....
Suspicious. Really suspicious to me.
*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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