Monday, January 5, 2015

MRS -Cleaning

I just terrified my roommate with the state of my bedroom.
And come to think of it.
It does look like a hurricane hit the place.
To her she was like "You can't even move in here!"
Sure I can, I mostly just go to my bed anyways. lol.
Still, I can see her point.
My room is a mess.
Not anything that I can't clean up in like half an hour though.
Put the clothes away,
put away Christmas.
throw out all the Christmas wrapping.
Make the bed.
It's all clean once again lol.

"You can't have cleaned in months!"
"Only a couple of weeks." -I lied.
It actually has been months,
Not since last year have I made a serious attempt to clean my room
and that is because I haven't had to.
Cleaning checks haven't happened since November.

And when I don't have to clean.
I really don't do so.

Plus, for the most part, it's a manageable mess.
It only really got bad in the last two weeks because I brought home Christmas lol.
I still haven't figured out where to put everything yet.
Nor had the energy to try and do so.

At least she doesn't have to look into my room unless she makes an effort to lol.
Out of sight,
out of mind,
though I will probably have to show her my room 'clean' just to wash away the hurricane image from her head. lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

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