Saturday, January 30, 2016

Onto Lunch

It always seems to get the busiest when you try to go on lunch.
Which, today, didn't look like it was going to happen.
It had actually slowed down a bit when I was finally able to go take my lunch.
-Because I finally had a second coworker come into the dept to be able to cover me.

Like all good things.
They're delayed. >.<

I was nearly to the break room, about to clock out for lunch.
Unfortunately, the clock out area is right by our cat adoptions area.

And as I was heading to finally get food.
I was waylaid by my manager and greenie coworker.
Who wanted me to help a customer out with deciding if they wanted a cat or not.
Because they were interested in was a bit sneezy.
So they weren't sure if they wanted to adopt it or not.

So I spent some time talking over the pros and cons with them.
And they decided to think it over.
But before I could get away....
I ended up getting stopped...
Three more times.
By people wanting to see other cats.

So I ended up being delayed by like half an hour.
Which meant I wasn't able to take lunch until 2 hours before I was off.
Boy was I glad to sit down and get away from customers for a second.

In the end, we ended up adopting out three kitty cats today. :) Yay for them getting forever homes!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, January 28, 2016


I hate spiders.
Because they can appear out of nowhere.
They just appear!

I'd just pulled a chart off the wall in a back room.
To write down some things.
And as I put it back.
My eyes happened to stray to the nearby wall.

And there it was.
A GINORMOUS creepy harvester spider.

It was like the size of the palm of my hand.
Something that definitely wouldn't be missed.

Until that moment.
I had missed it!

You can't tell me it doesn't appear out of nothing!
Because that's what the spider did.
Just appeared!

Oh. I did not like that.
But I'm not one to just smash the creature if its not bothering me.
>.< Though scaring me could be considered bothering me......

I just left it where it was.
Because more than likely I would try to squish it, it would jump and land on my hand, and then bite me before I could fling it off.
(yes. I did consider this chain of events to actually happen.)

But I apparently turned my back on it one too many times as I filled out different charts for different animals.

Because I turned back to the spider.
And it was gone!

Cue every hair standing up on my body.

No, the spider had just climbed down out of immediate sight.
Which didn't help at all.
Because that thing moved fast.

So I quickly finished my tasks and left that room as soon as possible.

I'm fully expecting it to attack me the next time I go in.
Though more than likely its crawled back into its hideyhole.
Where I hope it stays forever. And never comes out to bother me again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Remove the Gloves!

There are those random days when a customer just sets off your irritation buzzer.
Like, it could be something inconsequential.
But it ends up really irritating you, for no real reason really.

I was in the middle of cleaning out hamster cages.
So I was in cleaning gear.
-Face mask, Gloves-

Nearly done with my task.
And I heard a call over the intercom system, for a particular manager to come up to the register.
Which was odd.
Because we'd basically just barely opened.

But I glanced over and saw a customer waiting to be rung up.
But no Cashier to do so.

So I wondered if it was the manager who was supposed to be on the register.
Which was bad.
Because he wasn't coming up any time soon as he was in the middle of unloading our truck that had just arrived.

So being the good helpful person I am.
I went up to the register to ring her out.
And as I was logging into the system so I could check out her stuff.

She asked me to remove the gloves I was wearing.

Because who knows where those animals have been.

Basically. "You've been cleaning I know, which means your gloves are covered in disgusting things and I don't want them touching my stuff."
A valid point. I understand it.
As I was cleaning dirty grimy cages.

So I did so.

But part of me was irritated at this.
Because 1. It's not like the cages were that messy. I hadn't even gotten to the messy cages yet that are real cause for "AH! ITS SMELLY AND MESSY!" -Aka the Mice cages.
It's not like I was handling feces or anything like that. My gloves were hardly touching anything that wasn't cleaning chemicals and paper towels because I would dump out the bedding and then use the chemicals to clean the cage, which in the process would clean my glove....

But really.
The irritation that struck a quiet nerve inside of me.
Was that I was ALMOST DONE. When I chose to go help this customer.
And to take off my medical glove things...its basically impossible to put them back on after wearing them for so long.
(they're now sweaty and gross on the inside too. Who wants to stick their hand back into a hot wet glove? Yah...not me. Especially when I'm concerned about my finger getting infected again, and I couldn't tell which way was inside out or not as I took them off in a hurry to help the customer.)
So I had to go get a brand new pair of gloves to use for like 10 more minutes of cleaning.

Its a weird thing to randomly get upset about. I know.
Like I said, the customer had a valid point. She had no idea where those gloves had been or what they'd been touching, or what the animals I was handling were like, (though its not like they're disease ridden. *rolls eyes* They're healthy bitey animals.)
And its understandable that she wouldn't want these mysterious gloves touching her things that she was purchasing because who knows what would transfer onto the packages.

But really...
I really didn't want to have to go grab new gloves when I was almost done. It was like a wasted opportunity in my mind. Those gloves could have been used for something more than 10 more minutes of cleaning like 4 more cages. *sighs*

Yah... I'm weird. ;) lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Cluck Cluck

There's one thing about working at Starsmet.
Its that we're always getting new product into the store.

Switching things up. Introducing new concepts, new foods, new toys, new things for new animals.

Some things only last for a season. Some come back every year. Some become a new constant in our stores.

Today, I was told that we're going to be getting in something completely new.
I was helping out with stocking today. Doing the Totes. Helping to get product in my department on the shelf.
And my manager told me to keep an eye out for particular things.
That we're now getting in.

Those things?
Are for Chickens.

We've never carried products for Chickens before.
Though I have customers coming into the store all the time asking if we have a variety of things relating to them. Like Heat lamps. Food. Cages. Etc.

And until now.
I've had to tell them that we don't carry those.

But within the next Month or two.
When we reset certain areas of the store.
We're now going to have a Chicken Section. :D

Which is cool!

Apparently Starsmet has decided to do a test run on chicken products in our Regional Area.
Just to see how they sell and if its worth investing in getting this product onto our shelves.

And my store is one of the test stores.

So....I guess we'll see how long this new thing sticks around. ^^
Hopefully, it will make customers happy. :D

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, January 25, 2016

Skidding About

I need new work shoes.
I mean. I've been wearing the same pair for like....I have no idea.
At least a year and a half. Maybe two years?
I know it's only my second set of shoes for work.

And I'm feeling their age recently.
Mostly because I've worn the tread away on the bottom of the shoe.
So I don't have a lot of grip when walking around.

Which isn't really bad.
I work at a PetStore.
In the Fish department.

Which means, there's a lot of water on the ground.
From dishes,
From spilt water,
From catching fish.

Soo if I'm not careful.
I end up slipping about.

Luckily I'm careful.

But really...
I need to go get new shoes.
Ones with tread.
Ones where I confidently run (actually run) to the back of the store for a customer.
Without worrying about slipping.

I need to get on that.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, January 23, 2016

One Glove

For the past week,
I've been wearing a glove on my hand.
Just one of those latex gloves.

Because when I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago.
Because my finger wasn't healing like it should.
-Burned myself before Thanksgiving and the area got inflamed/infected and started to spread. So. Cue to go to the doctor.
And the doctor said I should wear a glove at work.
Because working in a petstore.
...You're kinda exposed to a lot of things.
The main one being Fish Water (from catching fish/cleaning tanks etc)
So to keep my hand clean and dry from that and other things.
To wear a glove.

Which I did for a week.
Then I disappeared for a week.
And then I've been working with the glove on again this week.

And today.
The managers finally all noticed it.
*shakes head*
I'm sure they saw it before.
But they probably thought I was in the middle of something.
And so didn't bring it up.

Plus, usually I don't encounter the managers as much as I'm usually busy in my department.
And when I do go talk to them, usually its to go on break and so I already have the glove off.

But its interesting to note.
That they all asked me that question today.
"Sarnic....why are you only wearing one glove?"

Because I have an injury on my finger and the doctor said to wear a glove to protect it.
Is the simplest answer.

They basically all thought I was crazy. lol.
But hey.
My finger is healing much better now.
So I'm going to keep doing it until its healed.

And I really can't wait for it to be healed, as really....since Thanksgiving this has been bugging me.
I'm ready for it all to go away.

For now though....
I just have to deal with being called "Michael" by my managers. lol.

-Sarnic Dirchi

(Michael Jackson only wore one glove on his hand.)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Outta the Water are really dumb.
Like, You just kinda stare at them and ask them "Why in the world are you doing that you dumb fish?"

For example.

I had a customer who wanted me to catch them a couple of our algae eaters.

Which already in of itself is difficult because those things like to stick to the walls.
And are fast.
So If. And I say IF you can get them to unstick from the walls....
Then they zoom around the tank so fast that you can hardly keep up with them without getting dizzy.

But I managed it.
To catch both algae eaters.

One of them was being a 'dumb fish.'
Because it would stick to the side of the container.
Outside of the water.

And I'm like.... Fish! Get back in the water before you die!
And the fish was like. "No. I'm gonna stick to this side here forever! Regardless of the consequences."

Stubborn thing.
I would get him back into the water,
Only for him to suction himself right back out of the water.
Hanging there.
Oblivious of the fact that he's supposed to be in the water.

I poured him in the bag.
And again.
Same story.
He wouldn't unstick.
He was halfway out of the water.
And no matter what I did.
Would not budge.

I turned to the customer and was like "Do you want me to catch you another one?"
As she'd expressed concerns about her last ones dying.

But she said it was fine.
So I bagged up the fish.
And turned it sideways so the fish would actually be in the water. (dumb thing.)
Before handing it to the customer.

I really hope he survived her trip home.
And is now happily swimming around his new tank.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Boxed or Bagged

*shakes head*

Sometimes you have to wonder about them.

Apparently we had a complaint about our crickets the other day.

Which is weird....because....who would complain about crickets?

But a complaint we got in deed.

You see.
We can provide crickets to customers in two methods.

We have them 'loose' so customers can choose whatever number they want from 1 to all the crickets. And we'll catch them and bag them up for them.

And then we have Boxed Crickets.
Which come in counts of about 24.
Already boxed up when they arrive in the store.
So we don't have to do anything with them besides stick them on the shelf.

For a while, a long while, our crickets were like $3 or $4 a box.
While our loose crickets (depending on size) are 13-14 cents.

Which meant, for a long while.
24 bagged crickets were less expensive than the 24 boxed crickets.

But then, like a year ago.
The price was reduced on the box crickets.
To $1.97

Which meant that they are now less expensive than the bagged crickets of the same amount.

I, personally thought that was a good move.
Because we can sell through those annoying box crickets faster.
And I'd be able to stop writing off/throwing away as many of the boxed crickets that ended up dying because nobody would buy them.

One of our customers just discovered this.
That our boxed crickets are less expensive than the bagged crickets.

And she was apparently furious with us.
For not telling her about this.
That the boxes are less than the bagged.

In reality.
Its sixes with either option.
The boxed crickets -depending on how cold/warm the shipment got before reaching us, usually only last about a week before they're all dead. (A good shipment will get us 2 weeks before they're all dead.) So if you come during the wrong time of the week...its a struggle to find boxes that have most of them still alive.

While the bagged crickets...
Are 'fresh' I mean they've had free reign in our cricket container. Able to eat and drink and wander about to their hearts content.
So we bag them up right then, in front of you. The number you wanted.
Some of them will still die.
That's what crickets do.
But at least you know they were all alive when we gave them to you.
(Again, their hardiness depends on weather while they're being shipped to us.)

In any case.
Our furious customer.
Who'd just discovered that boxed is less expensive than bagged.

Wanted us to price match our bagged crickets.
Giving her the price of the boxed for the bags.

Which is rather crazy to demand.

I mean, for all intents and purposes.
They're basically two different brands.
It's not like you'd go to the grocery store and demand that you get the "high end brand" for the price of the "generic brand."
That's why there are different prices.
Because you get different 'qualities.'

It's also like.
Buying oranges.
You can buy a bag of oranges for a certain price.
Or you can buy each orange individually for a price per orange.

But you wouldn't demand to get the price of the bag of oranges for the same amount of individual oranges you picked out.

See why the logic is crazy?
To demand a price match within the same store?
It's crazy!
Sure, we'd do it if she came to us with a receipt from another store showing the different prices.
But in our same store?

It's silly.
There's a reason why some things are better deals than others.
*shakes head*

I don't know what we ended up doing about that....I assume we didn't price match....but maybe we did to just make the customer happy and get her out of the store.

At least she knows now, about the boxed crickets...

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What's in a Name?

So, on our schedules.
When we have new people come into the store to work for us.
They occasionally start out scheduled under an old coworker's name.
Because it takes them a week or so to get into the system.
So until that point, they come in under a name already in the system.
(Everything is corrected later, so the right people are paid.)

We'd just recently had a coworker of mine transfer to another store.
So I was a bit surprised to see her name pop up on our schedule this week.

But then I wondered...
Had we hired somebody while I was gone on vacation?
Or had we just put her on the schedule to make sure all our hours were covered but nobody was coming in for that shift.
Or was she actually coming in coming in?

It was hard to know.
As the manager on duty isn't in charge of scheduling, so they didn't know.

So I had to wait for the manager who would know to come in.
Which they did.

And I asked.

Turns out.
We have hired a new girl for the department.

I have no idea who she is. What she looks like. Or anything beyond that she's going ot be working in my department.

All I have is a name.
And its the craziest thing.
One I didn't believe at first.
And probably won't believe until I see her name on the schedule or her name tag.

Her names is Merralto (not actual name)

This is the craziest weirdest of the weird.
My Brother's name..
is Meralto. (also not actual name.)

I had no idea that Meralto could be used as a girls name. O.o It's not a very common name at all. And the times I've seen it used, have been as last names or as names for guys.
Not girls.

But there she is.
With my brother's name.
The only difference being that she has an extra R in her name.

It's like I've stepped into a different dimension. O.o

Wonder what she's like....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Fast Lizard

So there I was at work.
With only two minutes left on the clock.
Because all things happen just before you leave.

And a customer wanted me to catch her an anole.
(A small fast little lizard)

No big deal.
I thought.
And it wasn't.
I caught the little creature easily enough and stuck him in his container to travel home.

I got distracted at the wrong moment.
Apparently the lid wasn't on as tightly as I thought it was.

As suddenly the little devil slipped through the tiniest of gaps onto the floor.

Dun. Dun. Dun.
Not good.
Because those creatures are FAST.
And with all the shelving things around....
If I didn't catch it lickety split.
It would be lost in the store forever.

So I dropped to my knees.
Hitting hard and fast.
Desperately reaching for the creature as it dodged, twisted, and turned through my fingers.
Finally I caught it!
Devil was slippery like an eel.
Hyped up.
But finally I managed to cram him into his container and give him to the customer.

And then.
I could clock out and hobble away.
As hitting that hard and fast.
I had bruised my knee.
*shakes head.*
lol I must have hit very hard, because the bruise showed up right away.
And it usually takes a couple of days for bruises to show up on me.

In the end.
It all went well....for the lizard at least. ;)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, January 18, 2016

Drip Drop Flood

It's always interesting coming back from a vacation from work.
Because you never know what you'll come back to.
What drama has occurred while you were out of the store.

So, a bit before I disappeared for a week.
We had a problem with one of our faucets.
Where we tried to turn it off....
But the water would keep running.
And on.
And on.

With the help of a manager.
We managed to get it to a faint leak.
A constant small stream of water.
But we couldn't fix it any further than that.

But doable.

Apparently though.
A day or so after I left.

The leak got worse.
And worse.
And worse.

To the point where it was back to full blast mode again.
And for some hasn't been fixed at all.

The managers put in a work order to get it fixed.
But it's been over a week....
Where we've had constantly running water.
Which makes it difficult to use the sink.
Because its the hot water that's broken.

So we get nice hot water all the time.
But when you're in a hurry and forget its hot.
boy is that scalding.

Hopefully we can get it fixed soon....
I tried this morning with little success...
But we'll see.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, January 8, 2016

Evil Returns

I knew it was going to happen.
Desperately hoped it wouldn't.
But happen it did.

I sold a parakeet a little over two weeks ago.
That was pure evil.
It bit me hard enough to draw blood.
Made my hand ache for days afterwards.
And would attack me even if I wasn't trying to catch it.

And it got returned.

Because of my coworker.
Who talked to the woman,
and mentioned that birds with different shaped beaks shouldn't be in the same cage together.
As one can pick on the other and cause harm.

I hadn't known that.
So I'd okayed it that she got the parakeets.
Mostly because the woman had a giant aviary full of birds.
So I thought enough space would mean they'd be fine together.

Apparently the parakeets that she bought have kicked the finches out of their nests, and are bothering the doves and their little egg.
Which is worrying her.

And so.
She returned them.

I wanted nothing to do with the evil bird.
So I tried to get my coworker to deal with the return and isolation (to make sure the birds are actually okay before we sell them again.)
She did the return.
But my manager ruined my plan.
By having my coworker cover register after she finished the return.
Which meant....I had to deal with the isolating part.
The catching the bird part.

No big surprise.
That bird's beak is still pointy. >.<
At least I was wearing gloves so it didn't draw blood.
but I hope that it gets sold before I get back from my vacation.
Because I really really don't want to have to deal with the spawn of Satan again.

Guess we'll see. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Only a Phone Number

I feel bad for my manager.
He had to deal with a difficult customer today.

It seemed like a simple enough thing.
Telling the customer that in order to get our discounts offered in the store,
You need to sign up for a membership.

It's nothing hard.
A name. A phone number. An email address if you want it.
Easy peasy.
It takes like 30 seconds really.

And the reward?
You get to save money!! Yay!

Who wouldn't want to do that?
Especially when its FREE.

No cost. Like. Ever.

One customer didn't.

She's one of those paranoid types apparently.

As she believed that we were going to use the information we required.
To data mine her.
And do who knows what data miners do.
Steal her identity?
I have no idea.

And my manager was like "We don't data mine."
Which we don't.
We don't use the information for anything.
Like ever.
The email address sure, the company uses to send emails.
But we're not going to call your phone number and solicit you or anything.

Honestly, if anything, all the information goes into a big black hole.
Never to be heard from again.
*shakes head*

But the woman wasn't having it this customer.
She wanted the discounts.
But didn't want to give out her information.

So instead, she apparently wandered around the store, Asking if she could use other people's phone numbers to get her discount.

Yah....that's....not weird.

It's just a phone number lady.

Eventually my manager just did an override of the system.
To get her her discounts.
And get her out of the store.

Because honestly.
We weren't trying to do anything but be helpful.
My manager was only trying to save her money.

But she wasn't happy at all.
Wanted to talk to our DM about how we were trying to steal her information to use it against her or anything.
My manager gave her the customer service phone number we're supposed to give her.
And she flipped out.
Wanting to talk to 'intelligent people'
And not the associate trained to answer people's calls.
So a few hours later.
She came back into the store.
To try and get our DMs number.
But we didn't give it to her.

It ended up getting blown way out of proportion from what I heard.
And I'm glad that I wasn't involved.
I was busy helping my manager out by doing some of the stocking that still needed to be done, as he was being kept from doing his job by this customer.

Hopefully everybody was able to chill out in the end...
But who knows....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Unknown Issues

We took a Hamster to the vet yesterday.
He'd been to the vet multiple times before.

As this particular hamster has some sort of skin problem.
One that we've been unable to solve.
We've tried all sorts of medicines, treatments, different foods, beddings.

All to no avail.
Whether its allergies, or something else its hard to know.

But the poor thing has been in our sick room for months and months.
Really it feels like he's been back there for a year already.

Getting slightly better, only to get worse again.
Right now he's nearly completely hairless.

And we don't know why.
The vet doesn't know why either.
As we've tried basically every treatment possible.

Its gotten to a point where we should just adopt him out.
If anyone would have him.

Others are of the mind that we should put him out of his misery...
Which I do not like to think of.
I mean....he's not dying.
He's just suffering from hairloss.

Right now, as we figured out what to do, I hope having him on no meds right now will help him to recover.

Its a matter of waiting.
Constant. Constant waiting.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Rare Drive

I had a rare occurrence happen today.
Where I ended up taking animals to the vet.

Technically I'm not supposed to.
As I'm not a manager.
And only they are supposed to take animals to the vet.
Probably some insurance liability or something in case something happens to or from the vet.

In any case.

We'd made an appointment to take some animals to the vet this morning.
Banking on the fact that we'd have a second manager show up in the morning like they were scheduled to.
-As a manager always has to be in the store, so if there is only one manager...they can't leave the store unattended.

But our poor manager who was supposed to show up.
Has been really sick.
And so called out today. Y_Y Poor guy.

But that left us in a bind.
As we had animals that needed to go to the vet.
We could have taken them later in the day.
Yet...that would give the vet less time to look at them before they closed, or before we went down to one manager again.
So the morning it had to be.
Especially because they had an appointment for this morning.

So it fell to me.
Since I'm basically just one step below manager.
To take the animals to the vet.

:) lol the manager was like "Do you know where you're going?"

Yes I do, because I've taken the animals to the vet before.
When another head manager said it was alright to do so.
before we found out it wasn't alright for me to do so.

It's been like two years since I've driven to the vet myself.
But considering I'm constantly telling the managers how to get there, or which vet it is.
It's hard to forget where it is. ^^

So I made it there and back no problem.


yay for spending some of my work day just driving about lol. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Decorations

I love it when we get new products into the store.
At least in my department.
Because after a while, you get kinda bored with seeing the same options everyday. Particularly because we only get new things in like two or three times during the year.
So to be able to stare at new things.
It always has a little sense of excitement to it.

We got new things in.
New Glofish decorations.
Which is doubly exciting because we've had the same ornaments for like...a year now.
And those older ornaments are all...small.
Like they look best in 5 or 10 gallon tanks, but nothing bigger.

These new ornaments though.
Are bigger. ^^
Which is great!
They look super cool too.
Different plant styles mostly, but there are some ornaments as well.

And the coolest thing about our new display of Glofish stuff.
Is that whenever you walk past them.
They light up! ^^
There's a motion sensor in the case.
That turns on blue lights.
So you can see how the decorations would look under their blue lights.
Before you buy them. ^^

It's great!
Me and my Manager had fun decorating our display tank with the new decorations. ^^ Hehe.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Top photo is blue light on. Bottom photo is with the white light on.
And the decorations look awesome either way!. ^^

Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas Again

It was like Christnas Day today.
Customers anxiously thronging the store.
Looking for our new Fish Shipment to arrive.

Because since Christmas....we haven't gotten any new fish.
And people have been buying them like crazy this week.
Due to them getting Fish Tanks for Christmas usually.
But we also had some really good end of year sales going on as well with the fish.

It wouldn't surprise me when all was said and done...that there probably were only like 100 fish in our tanks before today's shipment came.
That's how low we got.
Our tanks looked as bare as could be.

I'd told customers multiple times throughout the week that I would get a shipment on Friday and to come in then, but to come in in after noon because it takes us most of the morning to put the fish out.
Of course, that is, if the truck showed up on time.

It didn't.

Come to find out. Our truck of fish wasn't due to arrive until 12:30.

It showed up an hour and a half late.

So there were people.
We had a list of people to call to let them know when we got fish in and if we had certain fish arrive.

Me and my coworkers were anxious as well.
I mean....well...we were rather bored.
We had nothing to do, and customers didn't start coming into the store until later. 
(when I say 'nothing' I meant, we had to find stuff to do to keep ourselves from going crazy.)
As we were totally overscheduled.
I had four people in my department. O.o
It's like the most I've ever seen.

But in any case.
We finally got word.
The Truck was here.
I dashed to the back.
And waited anxiously as the Fish pallet was pulled off the truck.
First of course.

To cheers from my coworkers.
I brought the pallet up to the front for us to work.

We also got cheers from customers as well.
"This is what we've been waiting for!"
Must have had at least 20  people in that little area.
Waiting to see what fish we would unveil as we opened each box,
grabbed each bag out.
To set it in the tanks.

lol Like I said, it was like Christmas for them.
Not knowing what would come out, but anxiously waiting to see.

Me and my coworkers divided and conquered.
One to deal with customers.
Another to deal with the Bettas and switching them into clear water so customers could see them easier (as they come in blue water)
While I and my last coworker worked our way through 20 boxes of fish.

 Putting them out as quickly as we could.
Having to move our way through the crowds of people, who were oblivious to the fact that they should probably move away from the fish tanks so that we could reach them to put the fish out.

They crowded about, meaning we had to wend our way through.
But the work got done.
Customers left happy.

And Christmas of the new fish came and went. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi