Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas Again

It was like Christnas Day today.
Customers anxiously thronging the store.
Looking for our new Fish Shipment to arrive.

Because since Christmas....we haven't gotten any new fish.
And people have been buying them like crazy this week.
Due to them getting Fish Tanks for Christmas usually.
But we also had some really good end of year sales going on as well with the fish.

It wouldn't surprise me when all was said and done...that there probably were only like 100 fish in our tanks before today's shipment came.
That's how low we got.
Our tanks looked as bare as could be.

I'd told customers multiple times throughout the week that I would get a shipment on Friday and to come in then, but to come in in after noon because it takes us most of the morning to put the fish out.
Of course, that is, if the truck showed up on time.

It didn't.

Come to find out. Our truck of fish wasn't due to arrive until 12:30.

It showed up an hour and a half late.

So there were people.
We had a list of people to call to let them know when we got fish in and if we had certain fish arrive.

Me and my coworkers were anxious as well.
I mean....well...we were rather bored.
We had nothing to do, and customers didn't start coming into the store until later. 
(when I say 'nothing' I meant, we had to find stuff to do to keep ourselves from going crazy.)
As we were totally overscheduled.
I had four people in my department. O.o
It's like the most I've ever seen.

But in any case.
We finally got word.
The Truck was here.
I dashed to the back.
And waited anxiously as the Fish pallet was pulled off the truck.
First of course.

To cheers from my coworkers.
I brought the pallet up to the front for us to work.

We also got cheers from customers as well.
"This is what we've been waiting for!"
Must have had at least 20  people in that little area.
Waiting to see what fish we would unveil as we opened each box,
grabbed each bag out.
To set it in the tanks.

lol Like I said, it was like Christmas for them.
Not knowing what would come out, but anxiously waiting to see.

Me and my coworkers divided and conquered.
One to deal with customers.
Another to deal with the Bettas and switching them into clear water so customers could see them easier (as they come in blue water)
While I and my last coworker worked our way through 20 boxes of fish.

 Putting them out as quickly as we could.
Having to move our way through the crowds of people, who were oblivious to the fact that they should probably move away from the fish tanks so that we could reach them to put the fish out.

They crowded about, meaning we had to wend our way through.
But the work got done.
Customers left happy.

And Christmas of the new fish came and went. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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