Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Unknown Issues

We took a Hamster to the vet yesterday.
He'd been to the vet multiple times before.

As this particular hamster has some sort of skin problem.
One that we've been unable to solve.
We've tried all sorts of medicines, treatments, different foods, beddings.

All to no avail.
Whether its allergies, or something else its hard to know.

But the poor thing has been in our sick room for months and months.
Really it feels like he's been back there for a year already.

Getting slightly better, only to get worse again.
Right now he's nearly completely hairless.

And we don't know why.
The vet doesn't know why either.
As we've tried basically every treatment possible.

Its gotten to a point where we should just adopt him out.
If anyone would have him.

Others are of the mind that we should put him out of his misery...
Which I do not like to think of.
I mean....he's not dying.
He's just suffering from hairloss.

Right now, as we figured out what to do, I hope having him on no meds right now will help him to recover.

Its a matter of waiting.
Constant. Constant waiting.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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