Thursday, January 21, 2016

Boxed or Bagged

*shakes head*

Sometimes you have to wonder about them.

Apparently we had a complaint about our crickets the other day.

Which is weird....because....who would complain about crickets?

But a complaint we got in deed.

You see.
We can provide crickets to customers in two methods.

We have them 'loose' so customers can choose whatever number they want from 1 to all the crickets. And we'll catch them and bag them up for them.

And then we have Boxed Crickets.
Which come in counts of about 24.
Already boxed up when they arrive in the store.
So we don't have to do anything with them besides stick them on the shelf.

For a while, a long while, our crickets were like $3 or $4 a box.
While our loose crickets (depending on size) are 13-14 cents.

Which meant, for a long while.
24 bagged crickets were less expensive than the 24 boxed crickets.

But then, like a year ago.
The price was reduced on the box crickets.
To $1.97

Which meant that they are now less expensive than the bagged crickets of the same amount.

I, personally thought that was a good move.
Because we can sell through those annoying box crickets faster.
And I'd be able to stop writing off/throwing away as many of the boxed crickets that ended up dying because nobody would buy them.

One of our customers just discovered this.
That our boxed crickets are less expensive than the bagged crickets.

And she was apparently furious with us.
For not telling her about this.
That the boxes are less than the bagged.

In reality.
Its sixes with either option.
The boxed crickets -depending on how cold/warm the shipment got before reaching us, usually only last about a week before they're all dead. (A good shipment will get us 2 weeks before they're all dead.) So if you come during the wrong time of the week...its a struggle to find boxes that have most of them still alive.

While the bagged crickets...
Are 'fresh' I mean they've had free reign in our cricket container. Able to eat and drink and wander about to their hearts content.
So we bag them up right then, in front of you. The number you wanted.
Some of them will still die.
That's what crickets do.
But at least you know they were all alive when we gave them to you.
(Again, their hardiness depends on weather while they're being shipped to us.)

In any case.
Our furious customer.
Who'd just discovered that boxed is less expensive than bagged.

Wanted us to price match our bagged crickets.
Giving her the price of the boxed for the bags.

Which is rather crazy to demand.

I mean, for all intents and purposes.
They're basically two different brands.
It's not like you'd go to the grocery store and demand that you get the "high end brand" for the price of the "generic brand."
That's why there are different prices.
Because you get different 'qualities.'

It's also like.
Buying oranges.
You can buy a bag of oranges for a certain price.
Or you can buy each orange individually for a price per orange.

But you wouldn't demand to get the price of the bag of oranges for the same amount of individual oranges you picked out.

See why the logic is crazy?
To demand a price match within the same store?
It's crazy!
Sure, we'd do it if she came to us with a receipt from another store showing the different prices.
But in our same store?

It's silly.
There's a reason why some things are better deals than others.
*shakes head*

I don't know what we ended up doing about that....I assume we didn't price match....but maybe we did to just make the customer happy and get her out of the store.

At least she knows now, about the boxed crickets...

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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