Friday, January 22, 2016

Outta the Water are really dumb.
Like, You just kinda stare at them and ask them "Why in the world are you doing that you dumb fish?"

For example.

I had a customer who wanted me to catch them a couple of our algae eaters.

Which already in of itself is difficult because those things like to stick to the walls.
And are fast.
So If. And I say IF you can get them to unstick from the walls....
Then they zoom around the tank so fast that you can hardly keep up with them without getting dizzy.

But I managed it.
To catch both algae eaters.

One of them was being a 'dumb fish.'
Because it would stick to the side of the container.
Outside of the water.

And I'm like.... Fish! Get back in the water before you die!
And the fish was like. "No. I'm gonna stick to this side here forever! Regardless of the consequences."

Stubborn thing.
I would get him back into the water,
Only for him to suction himself right back out of the water.
Hanging there.
Oblivious of the fact that he's supposed to be in the water.

I poured him in the bag.
And again.
Same story.
He wouldn't unstick.
He was halfway out of the water.
And no matter what I did.
Would not budge.

I turned to the customer and was like "Do you want me to catch you another one?"
As she'd expressed concerns about her last ones dying.

But she said it was fine.
So I bagged up the fish.
And turned it sideways so the fish would actually be in the water. (dumb thing.)
Before handing it to the customer.

I really hope he survived her trip home.
And is now happily swimming around his new tank.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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