Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Cage for Hamster

There are days where you kinda want to hit your head against the wall at the stupidity of some customers.

I had two young bright eyed bushytailed customers come in today.
With their parents.
Wanting to get a pet hamster. Or two.

Basically each girl was going to buy a hamster for herself.

They obviously weren't thinking things through.
About what it costs to have a pet.

Like the fact that they need a cage.
Stuff to sleep in.

One girl was prepared to pay the money.
And had gathered all the stuff.

The other.....
Not so much.

She didn't have the money to buy the cage the hamster needed.

Yet, still wanted the hamster.
She wanted to keep him in a box.

And I told her that the hamster couldn't stay in the box.
She had thoughts that I would provide a box for the hamster to stay in until she could get the hamster a cage.

The boxes we provide for customers are only temporary containers.
To keep the hamster safe until they're home and are able to put the hamster in their cage.

It's not a container to keep them in for long.
For one.
They need food. For two they need water. For three they can chew through the box within like an hour if they're determined.
So definitely not a place to keep a hamster.

And she didn't seem to understand that.
She just wanted to keep the hamster in a box.
And I was like. What about food. What about water?
She had no answer.
She didn't have money for the stuff the hamster needed.
And yet wanted to have the hamster?

It's beyond stupid.
You don't buy any living thing without being able to provide for it.

And I told her straight up.
Until I know you have a cage for the hamster I am not selling him to you.

Lucky her.
Her parents were there.
And were willing to get the cage for her so she could have the hamster.

There was some discussion that they could just put both hamsters in one cage.
And I told them that it wouldn't work.
They would fight and kill each other because that's what hamsters do.
Especially when they're coming from completely different cages.
That's just begging for a fight.

In the end.
Two cages
Two hamsters went home.

Now we'll see if they end up getting returned or not.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Update: The lady who bought the hamster and guinea pig while her husband was out came back in to get a second guinea pig. *shakes head* The husband is aware of the guinea pig. He said "I told you No!" but has been fine with it ever since apparently.

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