Thursday, February 18, 2016

The One And Only

:) I love it when I get complimented at work. :)
It just makes the day go better, you know?
At least for me it does.
I love getting compliments. Ones that put a smile on my face, give me a buzz of excitement, make me anxious to help other customers in hopes that they too will give me a compliment.

I was helping out a customer with questions with Guinea Pigs.

They seemed halfway familiar.
But since I see so many was hard to know if they were repeat customers, or just looked like somebody I'd seen elsewhere. I mean, if the customer doesn't come in that regularly, it's not easy to remember them.

In any case.
In the midst of our conversation.
The wife was the one to tell me.
That I was the reason why they decided to shop at my store.
Because I was the one who gave them all the information they needed about Guinea Pigs, and tips and such, and that I was so knowledgeable compared to everyone else they talked to.

Apparently they'd gone to other pet stores.
And the people they'd talked to in those stores, weren't as helpful as I was. 
And that they could tell that I genuinely cared about my job.
Which I happily told them "I love my job!" -So true. I do.

So. Because of me, they plan to shop at my store instead of any others. :D Yay! :) lol

The story doesn't end there.
While they were complimenting me the wife was suddenly like "Is your manager around, as I'd love to tell them how awesome you are."
I said "Sure! He's just around the corner."
Which my manager was, he was working on stocking. (that's a never ending job it seems like.)
So I called him over.
And the customers told him that I was amazing and that I'm the reason that they plan to shop at our store instead of any others, because I'm so knowledgeable etc.

Cue the warm fuzzies all over. ^^ Awww!!
It's rare for customers to want to talk to managers about us in good ways.
So to have it done for me today.
It was great!
Totally energized me and helped me get through the rest of the day. :)

So glad that I was able to provide a positive experience for those customers. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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