Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Nightime Blahs

One thing about work,
Is abut the only consistent thing about it is that it's always changing.
You can't plan on anything to stay the same for long.
Which sucks when you try to make plans further than like a week in advance,
Because you don't know if that's the week where they'll decide to change things on you.

But it also sucks when your managers actually get a bit smart in their scheduling.
Especially when it ends up at my disadvantage.

This particular disadvantage being that,
Since I'm let a step below manager.
And since we technically no longer have a manager solely over my dept....
I'm basically the manager of my dept.

It doesn't make sense that I shouldn't work on the busiest day of the week.
During the busiest time of the day.

Because I'm basically manager over the dept. Over the animals.
The head managers want me to be working in the dept on the busiest day of the week.
So I can basically be present in the dept if anything happens to go wrong.
Or at least be there to answer questions.
Since I am the most knowledgeable about the animals and potential problems or concerns customers may have about them.
And Saturday's are the most likely day that customers will come in, in multitudes, with those concerns and questions that my other coworkers who haven't been in the dept as long may not know.

Really, it's a valid point.

But....why instigate it now?
Why start making me work Saturday nights now when I've always been a morning person.
Must be a new year resolution or something.
Though I think my coworkers have been handling things just fine on Saturdays. I can understand why they'd want me there.
I don't like it.
I'm hoping that it's one of those 'changes' that doesn't last long.
As I really am not liking the night shifts. >.<
Especially on a Saturday Night.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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