Monday, February 29, 2016


It was a good day at work today.

Because my coworker showed up on time today!

As the past couple of times I've been scheduled to open with this particular coworker,
She has ended up being late. :(

The first time because the managers switched the schedule on her and didn't mention the changes so she thought she had the day off.
The second time because either her alarm didn't go off or she slept through it.

Which meant, because she lives a bit away.
That when I finally called her to see if she was coming,
She would end up showing up an hour late.
Which is an hour of useful time before the store opened.....gone.

So it wasn't a surprise when I looked at the schedule this morning and saw she was coming in,
That I wondered if she would actually be on time today.

And she was!!

Lol we both were really excited about this fact.

Because she felt bad that she kept being late to work.
And I was beginning to feel like she didn't like me. ;) lol.

So to have us both there when we were supposed to be was a nice change. :) lol

Hopefully we can continue this streak of 'on timeness' for the rest of the week. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

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