Friday, February 12, 2016

Tip of the Iceberg

It's interesting, what difference a good night sleep gives you.
What difference not having a headache gives you.

I had basically the same situation happen to me two days in a row.
Where I was deprived of help in my opening tasks.
I had coworkers scheduled to come help me out.
But due to different circumstances.
They weren't able to help out.

Which didn't help much with the overall tension in the store.
Because we had a District Manager coming to visit.
And it was the day before and the day off the visit that my coworkers were unable to come in and do their jobs.
But I hadn't known that.

I had been planning on their help.
And so was opening up my department with that plan in mind.

The first day, I hadn't slept well the night before. A headache took up residence in my head and would. not. leave. So I was already in a bad mood. Trying to just survive work, and this set back was one setback too many that morning. And I basically snapped. Tears, crying, shoving things around. Because I couldn't do it.
We managed to work it out, I got help eventually, and it all went well after that point.

I mean...
I'm used to those sort of situations. Where I have to open by myself. I did it for months on end because my managers wouldn't schedule a second person to come in until later in the day during that period. But that's been a while now. And if I'm given a heads up. It's no big deal.
But for some reason. That day.
I couldn't handle the situation. It wasn't working for me.

The very next day.
I had the same thing happen.
I was expecting a coworker to show up, but nobody had told me that she wasn't going to come in today. Which was horrible news considering our DM would be showing up right smack on the dot when our store opened. And having the dept fully open at that time.

However. I had had a good nights sleep. I was rested. I didn't have a headache. I was in a better mood.
Or else since I'd already experienced this just the day before. I was resigned to it happening again.
But. I was able to handle it.
No tears, no shoving, no crying.
I just buckled down and got to work.

Didn't mean I wasn't frustrated at this turn of events.
But I handled it much more calmly than the day before.

Amazing what sleep and no headache can do to make the day better.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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