Monday, February 22, 2016

Lift or Push?

I'm stronger than I look.
I mean, there is by no means that I can lift a 150 gallon by myself.

is kinda what the customers wanted.
We have a 150 gallon fish tank for sale. Tank and Stand combo.
That thing probably weighs a ton.

Which is why I got four of the guys at work to lift it onto a cart, and lift it into the customer's truck.
Because that's what it takes to lift that thing.

Once it was in the truck, we set to work ensuring that it wouldn't get scratched in the process.
Which meant placing cardboard around the tank. To cushion it and protect it.

But to get the cardboard to stay in place.
We had to move the tank a little bit more.

So my head manager told one of the other guys to get into the truck to help move it.
But was distracted talking to the customer.
And I figured that it would be better to act now, so the customers could get back home sooner, instead of waiting for them to finish the conversation then move the tank.
Since I was already in the truck bed, placing cardboard.
I decided to take action.

I didn't need to lift the tank.
I needed to just push it.
Lifting is different from pushing.

So I went to the tank.
And with the right amount of force in the right place.
I was able to push it into place.
It took me like six tries to move it the six inches.
So basically an inch a push. lol.
But I moved it into place. :)

I think that might have impressed my manager. lol.
Being able to move it without the help of a guy.
But I'm thankful the guys were there to lift it. As it would have been impossible for me. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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