Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A 'Long' Drive

As part of the job, I often ask people how long their drive home is.
Because we have people come from over 3 hours away to get fish from us.

Why? Because they don't have any Starsmets closer to them, and often the local pet stores have little if no fish available.
So they come to see us to get their fish.
Which we can do for them, we just put the fish in larger bags.

But what's funny.

Is that we have customers who live much closer than 3 hours away from us.
And they act like they have a long distance to go.
"How long is your drive home."
"Oh it's long. 20 minutes."

And here I'm thinking....That's not long at all.
*shakes head*
Today's customer was one of those sorts. "I drove ten miles to come here!" was her complaint.
O.o Lady....that's not a long drive at all....

But talking it over with my coworkers.
We've decided that 'far' for those 20 minute customers.
Is because they had to drive to a different city to get their fish.
As they live in the next town over from Collegetown.

Which....I hadn't ever really considered.
Because where I grew up....
The cities had basically all merged into one large city.
So it didn't seem like a big deal to have to drive to the 'next' town.
It was close enough to not really matter, nor would you notice you were in a different city unless you were paying attention.
So 20 minutes....I could drive through like 7 different cities in twenty minutes because that's how close together they have grown....

So 20 minutes....isn't that far to get fish.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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