Thursday, July 28, 2016

Through the Hole

I can understand when customers want to save money.
Who doesn't like to save money?

But when it comes to pets....
Sometimes cheaper isn't always better.

I had some customers come into the store.

Who wanted a hamster.

And at some point I asked them what they were going to put the hamster in.
They were like "a box."

"A cardboard box."

At first I assumed that they were referring to the box we put them in to transport them home.

But they were like "No, a cardboard box."


As it's living place.


They obviously haven't had hamsters before.
Or any other rodent.

Because that hamster probably isn't going to stay in the box for long.

Hamsters love to chew on things.
Including cardboard.

So it wouldn't be long before he chewed a hole through the box.
And escaped into their house.

So I did my best to convince them that they needed an actual cage.

But the parents weren't willing to spend more money on the cage.

They wanted to try cardboard first.

.....There are times and places to save money....
They said they'd get a cage later...

We'll see if that actually ended up happening....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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