Friday, July 1, 2016


This older sounding woman called the store today.
Asking if we sold fish in bulk quantities.

Because she was looking to get Goldfish for a 'Fish Rodeo' for some event in her area.

I have no idea what a fish rodeo is....
Like, I tried to google it after I hung up with this customer, and all I got was a 'fishing competition' where people basically try to catch the most fish....

Which....I don't see that working with Goldfish...
The other option in my mind.
Was fish in a big swimming pool, and kids going in and trying to catch as many fish as possible with their bare hands.

...Which I also didn't like the idea of. :S I'm not selling fish to just have them get terrorized to death.

After I explained to the woman that: Yes, we get in large amounts of feeder goldfish, but no we can't order them in bulk. That we could sell them to her (though I didn't want to.) but we couldn't guarantee how many we'd have on hand the day that she needed them, and that we'd be unable to individually bag the fish but could place them in a few large bags for them to separate out later....

She decided that that wasn't what she was looking for.
And hung up.

Yay for saving a few hundred's fish lives.

....Now to figure out what this Fish Rodeo actually is.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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