Monday, July 18, 2016

Not a Ladder

I was walking around the store.
Mostly heading to the back to get a drink of water from our water fountain before heading back over to my dept.
But as I was on my way back, crossing through the dog food section.
I saw a middle aged couple.
Attempting to get a bag of dog food off the top shelf.

But what caught my attention is what they were going to try to stand on to get that bag of dog food from the back of the top shelf.

They were trying to stand on one of those dog food/water stands. The taller ones meant for larger dogs so they don't have to bend down so low to get food/water from their bowls.

Luckily, I think I caught them before they actually stood on it.
As that probably would have broke it. And might have hurt them.

So I went and grabbed a step stool and got the bag down for them.

They were grateful for like....two seconds.
Then started asking why we didn't have the larger bags of the small breed dog food they were getting.
And I said that usually they don't always come in larger bags.

Which they returned with the dreaded response of "We bought it here before."
To which I said. "We could have stopped carrying it, due to lack of demand."

Because it's true. We stop carrying some items in our stores for various reasons. Lack of demand is one of them.
They didn't seem to believe me.
*rolls eyes*
"So you don't know." They said.
"No," I retorted. "I'm usually over by the fish."
"O.o The fish?" They questioned me like they'd never even heard of such a thing.
"Yah, I work with the fish, the hamsters, the reptiles, I know more about that, here in dog food, kinda hazy on it."

>.< I hate having to defend myself at work.
Geez people. Just say thanks and move on.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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