Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Confirmation Number

A Customer called on phone today, and they were like "Hey! We're just calling to see if the order we placed online is ready to be picked up yet."
Which....since we hadn't been open an hour yet....we probably hadn't. So I asked them. "Did you get an email confirmation saying that your order was ready to be picked up?"
"No..." They responded.
That's what I'd thought. So I told them. "Then your order isn't ready yet, you'll get an email sent to you when your order is ready. But I can go look and see. What is the name that's going to be on the order?"
Customer: *gives name*
"Alright, I'll go see if I can find that and have that email sent to you as soon as possible okay?"
"Alright." the customer responds, but then proceeds to add. "You'll find her order is under the confirmation number of 30030----"
O.o For a moment I thought he was listing off the UPC on a product....which really in reality doesn't help me at all unless I know what the product is.
Turns out he was listing off the 20 digit confirmation code number that was her order.
....Which is even less helpful as it's all online. It's not like we have them listed by number. It's listed by name, which I'd already gotten from him. *shakes head.*
But I said "Okay, Thanks." like I'd written it down, which I hadn't. And ended the call by repeating that I would get that email sent out to them as soon as possible.
Which I did. I went and grabbed our little ipad thingy and found the name, and grabbed everything on their list and got the email sent to them lickety split. :)  

-Sarnic Dirchi

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