Saturday, September 3, 2016

A Question in the Wrong Section

You know what always throws me off when I'm talking to customers?

It's when I see them I a certain section of the store, and then they ask me about a completely different section of the store.

Like today.
There was this guy today.
Who I encountered while he was looking at the reptiles.
To which I asked him if I could help him.

You know, expecting him to have a question about reptiles. Because he was looking at them.

But then the words that came out of his mouth...
Didn't fit with what I was expecting.

So I had to ask him to repeat his question.

His question.
Was asking what Parvo was and how he could get the vaccine.


Last I checked, Reptiles can't get Parvo.
So it confused me,
Until I realized that he wasn't talking about reptiles.
He was asking a question for his dog.

As Parvo is something that Dogs can get.
And cats can get too though it's usually referred to by the name Panluke....I believe.

*shakes head*

I hate those moments.
Where it takes me a second to connect the dots and use what little information I have to figure out what is actually being asked and what animal it's referring to.
As I feel it makes me appear slow witted.

Though luckily.
I think I manage to cover my confusion well.
In that it's sometimes only takes a split second or three to figure out what the customer is really after.
So I can jump from one topic of expected conversation to a different one.

Doesn't always happen that quickly.
But yah...

It's annoying when I get asked questions outside of the visual context given.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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