Monday, September 5, 2016

Canister Filters

I'd noticed it a few days ago.
That our display goldfish tank goldfish weren't acting right.

The last time they weren't acting right.
It was because the canister filter below had gotten clogged up, so no water could flow back into the tank, so there was no circulation happening within the tank.

A check of the outflow of the filter proved I was right.
The water was barely flowing.

Which meant that there wasn't much oxygen flow in the tank.
So the canister filter had to be filthy.

Unfortunately, when I noticed....>.< I didn't have time to fix it.
It got busy.
So I left a note for others to clean/fix the filter.

But when I came back to work today.
I saw a note that my coworkers had tried to 'fix' it.
But didn't know what was wrong or how to fix it.

After all....the goldfish tank has a canister filter to filter.
Not an over the back filter system like the other two display tanks have.

And to my knowledge, I doubt the others would know that. Nor know how to clean it.

So I wasn't at all surprised to see that they hadn't figured it out.
My coworkers aren't prone to problem solving. If it's not an obvious solution, then they leave it for someone else to figure out. (Usually me.)

I made sure to show my coworker on duty how to work with the canister filter system this time around. Showing her what needed to be cleaned, and how to get it to start flowing again.

So the filter system is fixed!
And next time it gets clogged up with gunk, someone else can do it. :)

-Sarnic Dirch

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