Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Quick Return

.... I don't understand how it happened.

I helped a customer buy a green anole.
Grabbed a paper towel to place in the container. Caught the anole.
And sent the customer on their way.

Only to have the customer return, like not even an hour later.

....with the anole dead.

"Did you leave it in the car!" was my first sentence I said to him, as I was surprised.

After all it's been hot. Leave an animal in a hot car too long and it dies. It had been such a short time....that was my first thought.
But the customer denied that that had happened.
He said that he'd gone straight home and it had been dead by the time he got there. O.o

It's always possible that the customer lied. As they do do that.

But I have to wonder.
....was it my fault?

You see the paper towel I grabbed to put in the container.

Part of it had already been wet.
Because the towels had been partially soaked when my coworker was doing a water change on our betta fish earlier in the day.

I didn't think it would be a problem....
But now I wonder...
I doubt that the stress coat in the water would affect the's basically just a water conditioner and we place a similar thing in the reptile waterbowls....
But had my coworker added a different chemical as well? As I know she's been prone to doing that, adding in something to help the fish stay healthy.

Had that chemical....been in the papertowel. Had it not reacted well to the Anole and the anole had died from that?

It's hard to say for sure.
We'll probably never know.
But its definitely weird for it to die that quickly......

-Sarnic Dirchi

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