Friday, September 30, 2016

Two Anoles

Green Anoles are tricky creatures.

There are some animals that are easy to catch, others....much more difficult.

Anoles...they're in the latter category.

They're small and fast.

Which makes it difficult for them to be caught.
And also difficult to stick them in the containers we place our reptiles in when they're being bought by customers.

As they can slip through tiny gaps really easily.
So if you're not quick enough to shut the lid...
They get out.
And you end up chasing them all over the place. *shakes head*

So today, at the end of my shift.
A customer -a repeat customer- came into the store to grab two more Anoles for his cage.
He already has at least two, possibly three, but for some reason, this particular customer is really taken with them. lol.

 In any case.
He wanted two more anoles.
Which thankfully we had two anoles in the store.

But, as I was busy catching the first anole. -which was a pain as he slipped through the lid and got loose on the floor.
The second one....vanished.

I looked all over the cage, pulled out the decorations and everything.
But he was gone!!
And I'd literally seen the anole like two seconds before!
So it was totally weird.

My that it had clung to the top of the lid, out of my site.
And when I fully opened took it's chance to escape.

As the customer was suddenly like:

And pointed to the area above my head.

Where we have a large display sign, that hides the top of the enclosure.
And the Anole had managed to climb up the side and down behind the sign. (as it's just a front.)

Which meant I had to quickly grab a step ladder, get on tip toes, and play around in the dusty layer on top of the enclosure before managing to finally catch the illusive anole.

But ugh. The dust. Definitely irritating to the eyes.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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