Saturday, September 10, 2016

Phone Call Questions

Children talking on the phone.
It's one of those instances where I wonder what the parents were thinking.
Why have the child talk on the phone? Why not just talk yourself?
I mean, sure it's a learning experience for the kids.
But its rather annoying for us.
To try and answer questions.
And then have to deal with the adult calling us again to make sure that the child repeated the correct information to the adults that we'd told them over the phone.

In any case.

I got a phone call today at work.
From what sounded like a child.

Who knows if it actually was a child.....and if this person was a child, how they managed to get the phone number to my work and call is beyond me.

But. This child.
Proceeded to have a conversation like this with me:

"Hi, do you have any black moors?"
"Yes we do."
"How big do they get?"
"About 12 inches."
"Wow that's huge! It's as big as a shark."
"No, sharks get bigger, but that is big."
"Do you have sharks? Because I want to feed the black moor to my sharks at home."
"I'm sorry, I don't sell fish for food."
"Oh, do you have hamsters?"
"Do you have Russian hamsters?"
"Do you have Teddy bear hamsters?"
"Oh, I had a hamster once. But it bit me."
"I'm sorry it bit you."
"Yah, so I threw him away."
"You threw the hamster away?"
"Yah, because he bit me."
"That wasn't very nice."
"He bit me though! Why would he do that?"
"Maybe you smelt good?"
"Do you have any lizards?"
"Yes, we have lizards and snakes and turtles."
"I have to go help some customers now, is it alright if I say goodbye?"
"But my Mommy said that I could talk to you for five hours!"
"Oh, well we're not open that long, and I do have other customers to help."
"Do you have any dogs?"
"No, sorry we do not."
"Oh. Well we're heading over there now! Bye!" *hangs up.*

*shakes head*
That was literally the conversation I had with this child.

But at the point of the child asking about the goldfish eating sharks.
I'd begun to wonder if this higher pitched voice on the other end of the line actually was a child.
It could have been an adult pretending to be a child.
As it seemed like the child knew a bit too much.....for a child.
Sure there are smart kids out there.

But. yah. With how the conversation went....
This either was a child playing a prank.
Or an adult playing a prank.

In either case.
It was a waste of time for me. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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