Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Long Phone Call

You know....I don't really mind it when customers call the store to ask their questions.
I's never fun to answer the phone because you have no idea what sort of person will be on the otherside, nor what question they will ask.
But still. I've reached the point where I don't mind answering the phone.

That being said...
I really don't like it when the phone calls take away from me trying to do stuff.

So this morning. Basically right as we opened up our doors for the day.
I got a phone call.
From a woman, who was having problems with her fish tank.
In that she was having fish suddenly die off,
And she wasn't sure why.

Was it a Pleco that she'd bought a couple weeks ago that had died?
Was it a fungus?
Was it the fact that she hadn't changed the water in almost a month?

These sorts of questions are really hard to answer over the phone when I can stare at the remaining fish, nor see a dead body.
I just have to guess and give my best advice on what to do.

Like Change the water, Treat the fish with a Fungus Cure, Wait to add more fish, make sure the lights aren't on. etc.

The solutions definitely vary by phone call and situation.
But generally isn't that hard to give suggestions.

The woman on the phone....
Kept asking question after question, explaining what she'd done multiple times, asking for advice, coming up with more possibilities as to why her fish had died.

And wouldn't you know it....
Twenty Minutes had passed by.

>.< *sighs*
Seriously. I spent 20 minutes on the phone with this customer trying to help her out with her fish.
That was 20 minutes I was delayed in finishing my tasks.
As I had to finish cleaning things up from cleaning cages earlier.
Which the sinks are behind our fish system....and it's rather noisy back there.
So I had to stay out on the floor, getting nothing done in the process as I chatted with the customer.

*shakes head* Hopefully the solutions help her....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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