Thursday, September 1, 2016

Big Fish Small Space

A woman came into the store this morning.
To return one of the goldfish she'd bought the night before.

Thankfully, it was alive.
As it was one of our expensive goldfish. Over $30.
Which considering most of the fish are under $5. It's a pricy fish.

The customer was returning it because she'd realized,
After buying the fish and putting it in her tank.

That the fish was in way to small of a space to do well.
She decided to research it to make sure.
And her research confirmed her suspicions.
Her tank was waaaaay too small for the goldfish.

As that goldfish would do best in at least a 30 gallon tank.
And she'd put him in like a 3 gallon bowl :S

So very little oxygen.
Very little space.

Concerned that she would kill the fish.
She brought it back as soon as we opened.

To which I'm grateful.
It was a really pretty fish.
And he's now happily swimming around with his buddies again. :D

Thank goodness for smart customers.
Though I am rather annoyed at the coworker who'd told the girl it was alright to put that large fish in a tank that small. >.<
I'm hoping it was just a misunderstanding.

But it's hard to say for sure.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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