Friday, October 28, 2016

Crowded In a Bowl

I can understand why customers want to get as much as they can for a good price.
Everyone likes a good deal.

But I have to draw the line when it involves animals.
Particularly fish.
It's hard to be understanding of people who want to crowd a ton of fish into a tiny space.
It's like they forget that the fish actually need room to move around.

For example,
I had a woman come into the store today, wanting to buy some goldfish for some presentation or other.
She'd gathered a gallon bowl some rocks,
and then wanted some goldfish.
Which I thought she'd want like 2 or 3,
but no.
She wanted 10.
10 goldfish in a 1 gallon tank.
And not just small goldfish.
These goldfish were larger like 2-3 inches.

Stuffing them into such a tiny space.
I could just see them dying quickly.

So I told her that was too small.

And unsurprisingly,
The woman was like "Well you have a ton of goldfish in this tank!!"
As she pointed to our tanks. As we recently got in our goldfish shipments.
And we had about 1600 goldfish divided between the two tanks she was gesturing at.
Which meant they looked super full.

I had to explain to her that we have FILTERS. that filter the water, while her bowl does not.
That all the tanks are on the same filter system, so while it looks like multiple tanks,
In reality it's like one large fish tank, which means tons and tons of gallons.
That's why we can have a ton of fish together.
Because it's a large tank.
Not because the fish like being crammed into tiny spaces.

*shakes head*

I eventually convinced her to just do five.
But she insisted that we do 5 of the larger goldfish. *eye twitch*
Which the fish would have a higher chance of survival if she'd picked the smaller ones.
But nooooo she needed them larger so people could see them in whatever demonstration thing she was doing. >.< Bleh.

In this case.
Bigger is not better.
I hope the fish survived.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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