Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mind the Gap

I don't know what my work was thinking.

I mean, I know what they're thinking but they weren't thinking correctly.

You see. It's the last week in the quarter.
As in, we have four periods where we try to improve sales, stay in budget yadda yadda.
And since it's the last week.
Apparently we're trying to be really good in everything.

Part of that 'staying good' plan.
Seems to deal with scheduling people in my dept.

Which I don't understand.

I look at the schedule and see that we have 2, 3 or even 4 cashiers all scheduled at the same time.
For some reason we can't find time to cover all of my dept all day?
Ever day this week it's happened.
Where there's been a gap in the schedule.
Where nobody is scheduled to work in my dept.

Sometimes it's as short as 30 minutes.
Othertimes it's longer.
Where we had a 4 hour period when no one was scheduled to work.

Yet, we had coverage for our cashiers. >.<

I don't understand it.
I mean, my dept can backup cashier anytime if it's needed.
But nobody can back up my dept unless they've been trained.
As you have to know how to handle the animals/fish, catch them, talk to pet parents about them, etc.

How can they do that....
If no one is in the dept to do that?
It means that the job falls to the manager.
Or we have to hope that there is someone from my dept scheduled as a cashier so they can jump on over and fill the gap.

*shakes head*
I don't understand it.
Shouldn't it be obvious that my dept is the highest priority in coverage?
Because not just anyone can jump in and do it?
So shouldn't we make sure that there are no gaps?

Honestly I don't know what the managers were thinking.
But hopefully the gaps in the schedule are only for this week,
and won't continue into next week.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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