Monday, October 24, 2016


The thing about working in a Pet store,
Is that we sell a large selection of different foods for animals.

There are a ton of varieties.
Especially in Dog foods. *shakes head*

And with all the different dog foods, of course the companies are trying to convince customers to buy their foods.
Which means, the companies occasionally send out representatives to the different stores.
So that their representatives could teach the workers about their foods.
That way, we're knowledgeable about the different brands, and can better recommend to customers foods that will match their tastes/preferences/specifications/cost etc.

*shakes head*
It's a lot of info to take in.
And basically all the foods proclaim similar things with minor differences.

However, the benefit to these trainings.
;) Is that the representatives often bring us food as a treat for taking the time to listen to what they have to say.

Today, was no different.
We had a representative come by to update us on changes happening to their product, and again expound upon us the benefits of having us sell customers their brand of food.

The difference though.
Is that this time, the representative came in the morning.
And they provided Breakfast!

()_() Waffles, fruit, donuts.
It was delicious!! lol
The representatives usually don't come in the mornings.
So to have breakfast.
That was a rare treat.

Definitely worth listening to the representative for that. :D

-Sarnic Dirchi

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