Saturday, October 29, 2016

Toppled Over

You know that feeling where you feel like things are going well enough. Possibly hectic, but well. But then something unexpectedly happens, that just sets you spiraling into a bad mood that means you're grumpy for the rest of the day?
Happened to my manager.

She was working on truck, unloading the merchandise that had arrived.
When she came across an unpleasant sight.

One of the pallets had fallen over.
Not something that is unexpected.
Things shift in transport all the time, and occasionally the weight of the items stacked on the pallet becomes a bit much and...over it goes.

But it wasn't just any pallet that had toppled over.
it was a pallet of cat litter.
That probably had been stacked at least 6 feet high. Possibly. I only saw it tipped over.

In any case.
It probably wouldn't have been a huge issue.
As from the quick glance I saw, it didn't look like anything had broken open.
It just meant a time delay as she and the stockers would have to pick up all the fallen containers and get them off the truck before being able to unload the rest of it.

The problem came from where the cat litter relation to our fish shipment.

As our fish come to us on these trucks as well.
And the litter....
Had toppled right onto the boxes holding the fish.
Flattening at least four of them from their weight.

I guess flattened isn't a good word.
But the boxes definitely were bent out of shape.

My manager was like ()_() THE FISH!!! YOU MUST RESCUE THEM RIGHT NOW!!!

I didn't disagree with her lol. No need to make her more upset after this.

But I knew glancing at the boxes, that the fish were probably fine.
They're pretty well packed, and having the boxes get slightly squished shouldn't be an issue.

Basically I was right once I got into the flattened boxes.
The fish were fine.
I mean, some fish don't always make the transport. And we had a higher number of dead than usual....but overall the fish appeared to be fine. No leaking bags, no fish struggling to breathe out of water.

So in the end.
The fish were safe. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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