Thursday, February 23, 2017

On the Carpet

It's not always easy dealing with customers who expect you to be the encyclopedia of answers to their problems.

I had a customer come up to me, with a problem with her dog.
In that her dog is peeing all over her bedroom carpet, and she was looking for solutions to make the dog stop.

The background of the dog, was that it came from a home where the owner let the dogs go wherever they wanted and never made an effort to clean up after them.
:S yikes.
And when the woman got the dog, she'd gotten the dog to the point of nearly being potty trained.....

But then life happened,
and the customer switched to working longer days where she's gone 11 hours a day.

Which means she's not home as much as she used to be.
Leaving the dog free to it's own devices really.

And when she started working the longer shifts.
The dog started peeing in the rooms again.

The woman got it contained down to one room. As she shuts the dog up in that room.
But the dog isn't going on the puppy pads. Instead it's choosing to go on the carpet because that's what the dog was used to before moving in with the current owner.

To me...the solution would be to lock the dog up.
Put it in a crate so it can't pee all over.

But the customer was against that.
So I brought up other solutions.
Only to have her shoot them down one at a time for various reasons.

I suggested locking the dog in a room that doesn't have carpet.
Like a bathroom so it's easier to clean.

Or in the kitchen in a play pen type of contraption. So the dog is on hardwood floors but contained to a certain area.

*shakes head*

I dunno if any of dozen of solutions I offered will actually be tried.
It ended up being a frustrating twenty minutes for sure. Since the customer didn't take any of my suggestions today....

But I hope that she gets a solution for her doggie sooner rather than later.
Because I know how irritating it is to deal with smelly carpets.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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