Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Silthering Things

I was in the middle of vacuuming our fish tanks,
When I looked up and noticed a woman standing nearby, looking at her phone.
So I asked her if she needed any help.

To which she responded. "Do you have any non aggressive snakes?"

The question threw me for a loop....as we don't sell aggressive snakes.
Sure some of them can get a bit feisty and can bite, but in general they're not considered aggressive. Especially since right now we only have Ball Pythons and they are rather mellow. (unless they're cranky from being hungry)

So I told her. "All our snakes our mellow."

To which she responded. "No, I was told one of your snakes was aggressive."

...but they aren't....
I had time to think.

Before she pointed. "Here, I think it was this one!"

And where was she pointing?

Towards one of our fish tanks.
That contained peacock eels.

Which are in fact, semi aggressive.

But are not.... snakes.

They're eels.

I mean, I can see how people could call them snakes.
Since they look like them. Having no limbs and such.

But I haven't yet had people actually call them snakes.
They call them eels.
or loaches.

But not snakes.

So it's no wonder I was confused at what the woman wanted.
Because if you say snake...I'm going to think the reptile.
I'm not going to think of our aquatic looking ones.

Though it now makes sense as to why she was standing by the fish wall....and not by our reptile enclosure. *shakes head*

So I was able to help her from there.
Showing her the 'non aggressive snake' she was looking for.
The black kuhili loach

Unfortunately for her.
I didn't have any in stock.
So she has to wait until we get more in.
Hopefully on our next fish shipment.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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