Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Short-er-Long Shift

Note to self.
You should never announce aloud to others that you're getting off earlier than usual from work because the manager's gave you a short shift.

That's just asking the Hour Gods to draw their attention to you, and then have them draw your manager's attention to you and end up staying longer at work.


I was supposed to get off from work early today.
A rare occurrence really because I tend to work 8hr shifts.
So to have a shift where I actually leave an hour or so early...
They're always my favorite. ^^ Because I get to go and do other things I don't usually get to do.

And today, was supposed to be one of those days.
But I made the fatal mistake.

Of telling a coworker something along the lines of. "If all goes well, I'll get off at this time."

Totally predicted to myself that I wouldn't be getting off early.
It's just been one of those weeks you know? Where you can feel that things aren't going to go your way.

And true to form.
Like half an hour before I was supposed to be off.
I made the fatal mistake of walking past the manager.
Not that I said or did anything besides walk past him.
But he noticed me.

And asked if I would be able to stay a little longer.
Until I would usually get off when I worked an 8 hour shift.
That way, my replacement coworker -the manager of my dept- could be out on the floor while the manager who asked me to stay could be locked away in the office working on the I think he had to redo next week's one?

In any case.
I agreed to.
Because why not.

lol. I basically just got extra hours.
Because I stayed the extra time.
And helped out my Dept Manager in doing some of his tasks.
But I'm not sure if the Manager who asked me to stay actually got his goal accomplished....
*shakes head*

I guess if his goal was to make sure that there would always be someone besides my manager in the dept to help out in case my manager was called away...then I guess that goal was met.

At least it wasn't a longer shift than I was used to already.
And who maybe they'll make me cut out early on another shift because I stayed longer today. :)
One can hope.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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