Saturday, February 18, 2017


There's a part of me that often wonders, while I'm talking to customers....
on if I'm accidentally releasing a 'monster' into the world.
Or at least upon the work.

We get them every now and then.
People who become super obsessive/paranoid about their new pet.
To the point where they come into the store almost daily for various reasons.

lol...surprisingly most of these monster customers end up being released when it comes to fish.

Some monster customers are benign.
Just constantly buying new decorations to redecorate their tanks, or buying more tanks so they can have more fish.

Others are horrible.
Constantly changing their mind, returning things, repurchasing things, exchanging things. Whether it be fish, filters, tanks...etc....You see them walk in and you wonder "Oh no. What's got them unhappy now?!"

I'm not quite sure what customer this one today will become.
It was a gentleman who had owned fish tanks in the past.
And was just getting back into them.

He dithered for like an hour it felt like, on whether or not he wanted to get the 60 gallon fish tank that's currently on a really good sale because of the holiday weekend.
He was thinking of doing Salt Water...
but since I had little experience with that....
We went to fresh water.
And between Canister filters and over the back filters.
And between what types of fish to get.
What types of gravel to get.
If he actually had a place for the 60 gallon tank....

Thankfully, I managed to convince him to buy the 60 gallon at least.
Even if he's still unsure about what else to get.
One step forward will hopefully result in more steps forward.

And hopefully he won't become a monster customer.
Constantly badgering us with questions, concerns, and dead fish. :S

Guess we'll have to see. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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