Saturday, January 20, 2018

Cat Adoptions

Had a woman come into the store today.
Wanting to look at one of our cats up for adoption.
Which I was semi confused...
Because I feel like this customer has already adopted a cat from us.
Like...she looked familiar, had the attitude that definitely felt familiar....

Though honestly I don't know if she looked familiar because I've just seen her in the store....
Or if she's actually adopted a cat from us before.

*shakes head* 

In any case.
She was interested in seeing of our cats that had come in yesterday from the adoption group.
One that hadn't been quite acting well...
Weepy eyed, kinda snuffled breathing. 

Which isn't uncommon to have the cats have the sniffles when they come in.
It's a stressful environment and the stress of travel can get to them. 
So the fact that the cat had the sniffles and was being shy.
Not concerning.

What was a little concerning was the fact that the customer pointed out that the cat was drooling.
Which, not a good sign.

Usually in dogs it shows that the dog is really stressed out. (unless it's a breed that just drools a ton) so I could only figure that the cat was super stressed as well.
And considering this cat is like 6 years old....understandable that it wasn't handling the changes in it's life well. (the original family could no longer keep her.) 

So that was a concern.
And I was like. "She just came in yesterday, so she's probably really stressed out." 
And the woman was like "So if I adopted her, would she get better, or would she get sicker?"
And I was like..."I don't know, she just came in yesterday."
I can't fully judge a cat's personality after one day.
Especially when I only briefly interacted with the cat this morning while I was cleaning the cages before the store opened. 
And the lady was like "Well can you take her to the vet and get her check out?" 
And I had to tell her. "We can't do that, it's the adoption groups responsibility so we can only take a cat to the vet if they give us permission to." -unless it's like a life and death- because it's the adoption group that has to pay for the vet, not us. So usually they come in to take the cat to a vet that they work with instead. 

Honestly, if the cat wasn't acting healthy, I probably wouldn't have considered adopting it if I was in their place.
But the customer actually seemed set on it.
And I was like...trying to decide if I wanted to move the cat adoption forward or if I should try convincing the woman to wait, because the sniffles, not a big deal, the drooling more concerning...

The cat ended up making the decision for us.
It suddenly started throwing up in the lady's arms.
Getting on her jacket sleeve. Maybe into her purse -though I hope we managed to avoid that, onto the floor.
I took the cat from the woman's arms, and put it on the floor where it continued to vomit and yah....
I was like "Yah no, I need to have the adoption group take a look at the cat. I don't think adopting her right now would be a good idea." 
And the woman agreed. 

And was like "I want to go clean myself up...and then I want to look at this cat." and she pointed to the cat...that's like...the least friendly in the group before walking away. 

and at the same time as I was putting the cat back into her cage, and cleaning up the mess.
Another group with a young kid were like "We want to see this cat!" 
-Which is the same cat that the other lady had just pointed at.

So I was like. Oh great, I'm going to have two families fighting over the same cat.

Thankfully she returned just as I was finishing cleaning up the vomit, 
And so I was able to say to both of them. 
"Okay, so this cat, he's not one that likes to be picked up. He will bite and scratch you if you do." 
-Because he's a rather fat cat and an older cat. 

Which the woman who'd been nearly set on adopting the sick cat was like "Okay, nope." And decided to wait until other cats came in. 

Which I feel bad for this fat cat.
It's like the...fourth or fifth time he's come into our adoption area with this group. 
Which at this point I'm like "why do you keep bringing him back?"
He's nearly unhandable.
Seriously he's fine for the first couple of days, but after that...he need to get the bite gloves out in order to get him back into the cage. 
Thankfully this time around he's seemed to realize that if he just goes back in the cage it's less hassle for everyone. So when I'm done cleaning he'll usually go right in. So yay for less hassle this time around. So far. 

I mean he could be a sweet kitty. He's really playful and loves to interact with toys and occasionally the other cats. 
He just doesn't like being picked up.
Petted usually alright, the moment you pick him up...not so much.

Yet the family was like "We just want to see him."
And I was like "This isn't a good idea, since you have a young boy."
But I opened the cage to let them see him.
And he was like "Nope, there's people I ain't coming out."
Still one of the women in the family tried. 
Just to pet him and such.

He wasn't having it. Being playful in his swipes and biting, but you know it could go more aggressive if they persisted.
Thankfully the family knew not to do that.
But in the end, 
They decided to not adopt him.
For which I'm glad.
Because I was concerned with their young child, that it would be an issue.
And thankfully they realized that.

So yah, that was two failed adoptions for me...
But I'd adopted out two other cats earlier today, and my coworker adopted out two more.
So overall we did pretty good today with the adoptions. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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