Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Crate Problems

The Grumpy Lady came back into the store today. Which I swear, I see her like every day. The one who looks like she chews on nails for breakfast. And everytime I see's either she's buying ANOTHER crate or she's searching for a particular type of dog food for her dog. 
And I really don't understand why she comes to the store so often. you really use that many crates? I don't know. 

In any case.
Today, she came into the store wanting help with getting a specific crate from the back of the store.
Only in the two minutes she'd wandered back there and maybe one showed up. So she came all the way back to the front of the store to yell at the cashier that no one was in the back to help her, before again going to the back to get help by one of my coworkers. 

And upon finding the brand and the size that she needed. 
She came back up to the front.
Had the cashier put the crate together for her then and there. 
And had a manager take it out of her for her.

...Only for her to return a little while later.
Because the crate wasn't working right.
How was it not working right?
The tray in the bottom of the cage wasn't lying flat.
And the door wasn't shutting. 
And the divider in the crate wasn't in the crate.

Apparently...this is an issue she's had before? 

But the thing is...her problem was really easy to fix.
The latch...she was latching it wrong. 
It needed to go a slightly different way.
The tray?
Needed to be slid through the bottom of the cage, not put in through the door and place down through that opening. 
And the divider for the crate? Was in the box. 

But was that satisfactory for her?
She didn't listen to these explanations at all.
And insisted that she wanted to buy a different brand of crate. 
And try that instead.
That brand being our most expensive brand.
Meaning that she paid a bit more money for it. 

All because she didn't want to hear the explanation of how everything she complained about was still in working order. 
*shrugs*'s your money lady.
If you want to spend it rather than listen....
Go right ahead. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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