Monday, January 8, 2018

Stare Much?

It's rather common with retail.
Dealing with awkward people.
The ones who don't know boundaries, talk too much, stand too close, who just...well are awkward. 

I had a gentleman come up to me, wanting 25 Large crickets.
Which is easy enough to get -despite us being reeeeaaalllly low on Crickets at the moment. (Our Thursday shipment failed to provide the crickets they said they were giving us) 

And I wasn't really thinking much,
beyond the fact that gentleman kinda had a creepy stare going.
You know the stare where they don't blink as often as they should, and they're staring at you and it just...kinda makes goosebumps appear on your skin?
It was an awkward stare.

And as I was counting crickets he suddenly asked me "If you don't mind me old are you?" 

Which I answered him, because I honestly don't care if people know how old I am.
And I kinda figured he was asking because I've been asked before when people notice the grey in my hair.
Because it's rather uncommon for a young person to have grey hair. 

So I was kinda expecting him to continue the conversation after I told him my age. 
You know the typical. "Do you die your hair? Is that real grey hair? etc." 

But no.
He just continued to stand there, after I answered. Staring. 
It was really weird. it that strange to see me with grey hair? or are you just still trying to comprehend it?

*shakes head*
I was kinda glad to hand him his crickets so he would leave.
Cus the silent staring directly at me was rather off putting. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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